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  News Library Ten - Monday, May 08, 2000 - Sunday, May 14, 2000
  Thursday, May 11, 2000 5:53 PM GMT Killa-Kyle

WorldCraft 3.3?

In the next couple of weeks we will see a new version of the most popular map editing program 'WorldCraft'. I will post more about it soon.

Site Change...

I want to get a new look for the site... as I add stuff at the moment it is very hard to get things organised... I'll be getting rid of the frames I think and adding some new stuff... more soon...

Half-Life SDK 2.0

Valve are going to be releasing a new SDK [Software Development Kit]. This will be bringing a whole new magic to the game... This time around you will not need to sign Valves NDA agreement! So you can download the full SDK... about 80 MEG. This then uncompresses to around 600 MEG! Whoa! Loads!

There will also be an new version of Half-Life to go with the new SDK... TFC gets a makeover as do a lot of things... a lot of the stuff is being added to aid mod developers! I will have more soon...

Zoners Half-Life Tools v2.0.3

Zoner has updated, sped up and fixed his wonderful tools! Go get 'em.

Wally 1.51b [Beta]

There is a new beta version of Wally... lots better that the last one with bug fixes and added stability. Get it here.

PakScape v0.8?

What's this then? Well... as its title might give it away... it is a pak editor for .pak files. Get the latest version here from fileplanet. It allows you to create .paks and use long file names... The best .pak program I have see yet. It lacks in a few areas but I'm sure the developer will change that, given its a young program.

Lots more news...

I have lots more news but very little time... I promise I'll get back on track soon.

  Thursday, May 11, 2000 9:55 PM GMT Killa-Kyle

Updates... Updates...

Well... I have taken some time to add content to the site. If you want to just take a look from the top. I'm about to give you some old news because I have been away from the action for ages... forgive me... You will be seeing a hell of a lot more...

Golden Eye for your PC?

This isn't news really because it happened a while ago now! Go to the Golden Eye mod site and check out there work... well worth the download! Only in multiplayer modes at the moment but its cool. Now you can tell yer mates with N64's to @$*@!

Jumbot 1.8

Jumbot if you don't know, it is a multiplayer mod for Half-Life. It allows you to start your own LAN game and kick the shit out of some bots [computer controlled opponents]. There good too. You can customise Jumbot to your hearts content, for your fragging pleasure.


What's that I said? More old news. Matrix... Yep... if you didn't already know you do now... The Matrix is coming to Half-Life. Check it out! MatrixHL is the multiplayer version of what is to be. Check out HL Matrix if a bit of 'Single Player' shoot 'em up is more your thing.

  Saturday, May 13, 2000 4:35 AM GMT Killa-Kyle

Check it out!

I have have updated the site... BIG TIME! Not so much in content, though there is more... As you can see... There is a new layout. The toss frame-set has gone and it looks better. I think so anyway. You can see the old site here.
As you will be able to see from the time stamp... I have been working stupid hours to get this done. I'm just not able to put something down until its done... you may know how I feel.
Let me know what you think.

I know that this site has never been seen by the rest of the world yet, just by a select few. I don't think that something like this can be thrown up with an empty shell. You just can't interest people.

© 1999-2000 Design & Graphics to Kyle Milnes.